There are 2 type of sugars that are found in foods:
Naturally occurring sugars (sugars found in fruit and milk)
Added sugars (sugars or caloric sweeteners that are added to foods and beverages during processing or preparation)
Consuming a diet high in added sugars can put you at risk for health problems. It is recommended that people try to reduce their intake of added sugars.
Added Sugars
Major sources of added sugars include:
Sugary beverages
It is important to review the Nutrition Facts Label for a better understanding of the amount of added sugars in your favorite foods. Dietary recommendations for added sugars is that intake should be less than 10% of your total dietary calories
Names for Added Sugars to Look for on the Label
Brown sugar
Corn sweetner
Corn syrup
Fruit juice concentrates
High-fructose corn syrup
Invert sugar
Malt sugar
Raw Sugar
Sugar Sweetened Beverages
Sugar sweetened beverages are high in calories and may contribute to weight gain. Sugar sweetened beverages contribute to "empty calories" in your diet, meaning they provide calories but little to no nutrients.
Sugar sweetened beverages include:
Energy drinks
Sweetened coffee drinks
Fruit drinks with added sugars
Did you know?
Sports drinks are high in sugar but low in fat. Sports drinks are only recommended for children who engage in greater than 1 hour of physical activity.
How can you reduce the amount of added sugar you eat?
Drink water instead of sugary drinks​
Add slices of fruits or vegetables, like strawberries, lemon, cucumber or pineapple to flavor water
Choose 100% fruit or vegetable juice rather than fruit drinks
​Instead of adding sugar to coffee, try cinnamon or nutmeg
Enjoy naturally sweetened desserts like fruit instead of those with added sugars
Pick lower sugar options by reading labels