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Ideas For Your School

School Field Trips

Students can learn about nutrition related topics through traditional away-from-school field trips, or in-school field trips. In-school field trips are provided by an outside company that can customize activities and lessons to fit each grade level.


Check out these field trip ideas!

Traditional Field Trips

Did You Know?

The first week of August is National Farmers' Market Week!

Nutrition Joke

What did the salad say to the dressing? 


Lettuce be friends! 

School Garden Activities

Build a school garden or utilize garden activities to teach students about how their food grows! 


These activities can be incorporated into lesson plans to teach about nutrition in addition to other subjects.

Having healthy classroom policies can contribute to creating a healthy lifestyle in children just like health related field trips and activities. Click here to learn more about best practices for a healthy classroom!

Miami-Dade Wellness Policy

What is the purpose of a wellness policy?

To promote wellness and address current health issues facing students and staff


To do so, there is a focus on five goals:


  1. Nutrition- All students and staff will have access to and be encouraged to take advantage of high-nutrient food options served at school and district cafeterias

  2. Physical Education- All students will be encouraged to participate in the recommended levels of physical education

  3. Physical Activity- All students and staff will be encouraged to engage in daily physical activity according to national guidelines

  4. Health and Nutrition Literacy- All students and staff will be encouraged to develop healthy lifestyle habits

  5. Preventive Healthcare- All students and staff will be encouraged to participate in preventive healthcare 

If you find any information or resources that you think we should add, please email us at

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