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Healthy People 2020 Goals:

Increase regularly scheduled elementary school recess in the United States

Increase the proportion of children and adolescents who do not exceed recommended limits for screen time

Increase the proportion of children and adolescents aged 2 years through 12th grade who view television, videos, or play video games for no more than 2 hours a day

Increase the proportion of trips made by walking

 Increase the proportion of trips made by bicycling


Why is being physically active important?

  • Being physically active helps you to maintain a healthy body weight

  • It helps to reduce the risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes and other diseases

  • Physical activity helps to strengthen bones and muscles

  • It helps improve your mood and mental health

  • Physical activity increases your chances of living longer

Simple ways to increase physical activity

  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator

  • Park at the back of the parking lot when shopping

  • Take a local aerobics class

  • Walk around your block 

General physical activity guidelines include 60 minutes a day for children and 30 minutes 5 days a week for adults

For more information on Physical Activity please visit:

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